Sunday, February 23, 2025
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Professor BK Bachhawat Memorial Life Time Achievement Award in Neuroscience 

Dr.  Shashi Bala Singh, President, Indian Academy of Neurosciences (IAN) and Former Advisor, DRDO and currently the Director, NIPER, Hyderabad and the General Secretary of IAN, Prof PK Seth, CEO Biotechnology Park, Lucknow felicitated the winner for the year 2019 at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Academy at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi on 19th Nov 2019.

 Dr. KP Mohanakumar, currently the Director of IUCBR & SSH, a new Research Station with Mahatma Gandhi University situated at its Campus at  Thalappady has been awarded the most prestigious award of the Academy for his overall contributions in neuroscience working from India, and based on his publications, receipt of recognition in science by Govt Bodies, and for the contribution that significantly influenced the growth of neuroscience in India. His pioneering work in neuroscience included serotoninergic basis of Parkinsonian tremor, development of a new generation of neuronal lines with mitochondrial defects specific for a number of neurological diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, Autism and Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity disorders. His contributions to understanding the molecular basis of Parkinsonism employing postmortem human brain samples, cellular and animal models of the disease are phenomenal and milestones in the area.