Tuesday, January 21, 2025
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Externally Funded Projects (Ongoing) in IUCBR & SSH


Sl.No. Title of the Project Name of Investigators Funding agency, year of starting and completing Amount sanctioned (Rs. In Lakhs)
1. Development of injectable hydrogel-based delivery system for cartilage tissue repair Resmi Anand DST, 2017-2022 101.99


2. Investigating the role of converging mitochondrial and endolysosomal pathways in the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease: Search for novel therapeutic targets Goutam Chandra   DBT, 2018- 2023 121.10
3. Dysregulated circulating melatonin in pathophysiological processes in Parkinson’s disease (PD): A study on experimental parkinsonism in animals and in PD patient population from eastern India Mohanakumar KP


ICMR, 2019-2022


4. Neural and genetic correlates of social behaviour in autism spectrum disorder versus attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Usha Rajamma, G Chandra, Mohanakumar KP MHRD, SPARC, 2019-2021 74.64


5. Analysis of Mitochondria-to-Nucleus Epigenetic and Transcriptional Crosstalk in Autism Spectrum Disorder using Cybrid Cell Lines Usha Rajamma SERB, 2021-2024  60.00
6. Ayurveda- A novel perspective into its formulations Remya VR, Mohanakumar KP DST, 2018-2021




7. Role of mtDNA on ASD-specific changes in serotonergic gene expression Usha Rajamma


Intl. Society for Neurochemistry, 2018-2019 US$ 9250


8. Nanoformulated herbal extracts and neuroprotective active constituents against Parkinson’s disease Rajesh Shenoi; Chinthu V Saji CSIR, 2019-2022 9.472


9. Gaze behavior in response to visual image processing generates atypical electrical brain activity in ASD: An investigation towards ASD prognosis using integrated eye tracker-EEG system Usha Rajamma; Krishna S Nair


ICMR, 2019-2022 14.50


10. Investigation of possible association of vitamin D and VDR gene with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) phenotype: Validation by developmental vitamin-D deficient rat model Usha Rajamma, Roana Liz George


ICMR, 2019-2022 14.50


11. Targeting FOXO- deacetylation mediated autophagy as a therapeutic strategy in Alzheimer’s disease Goutam Chandra, Rinku Raj Mullasseril ICMR, 2019-2022 14.50


12. Engineered dendritic polymer nanoparticles for targeting the mitochondria in neurodegenerative diseases. Rajesh Shenoi, Mohanakumar KP, Goutam Chandra DST-SERB, 2019-2023 30.50
13. In vivo biological evaluation of nano formulated lyso phosphatidyl choline – EPA for neuro-restoration following stroke in experimental animals Dtr. Goutam Chandra DHR
14. Profiling In Vivo Substrates of Palmitoyl-Protein Thiosterase-1 As A Quest For Novel Therapies For Infantile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis Goutam Chandra, Usha Rajamma, Pramod Kumar ICMR, Taskforce on Rare Disease. 2020-2023  64.50
15. Development of a targeted gene editing therapy for the treatment of neuronopathic Gaucher disease Mohanakumar KP Goutam Chandra, Pramod Kumar ICMR, Taskforce on Rare Disease. 2020-2023 64.50
16 MTCH1, an upregulated gene in Huntington’s disease animal model: Analysis of its role as a novel target in Huntington’s disease Dr. Mrudula Mathew DHR-HRD WSS 2021-2024 42.59
17 Bioengineered Microstrips of dopaminergic neurons as potential cell based therapy for Parkinson Diseases. Jimna Mohamed Ameer ICMR-SRF


18 Neuroprotective effect of hydroxypyridinone-based Iron chelators and their interaction with iron responsive proteins: A therapeutic approach for Parkinson’s disease Harsha P J ICMR-SRF
19 Polymer borne peptides that block the nucleoprotein (NP) and non-structural protein 1 (NS1) of influenza virus as a novel antiviral delivery vehicle Prabin Pradeep ICMR-SRF
20 Investigation on the effect of Mandukaparni (Centella asiatica) Swarasa on Autism Spectrum disorder (ASD) phenotypes using cybrid cell lines and valproic acid induced animal model of ASD Dr. Anu Raju ICMR-RA
21 Personalized Therapeutics for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Specific SSRI selection employing in-silico and in-vitro generated structural variants of SERT relevant to ASD Dr. Deepthi Varughese ICMR-RA
22 Investigation on Mitochondria-to-Nucleus Epigenetic and Transcriptional Crosstalk in Autism Spectrum Disorder Merlin Jeejo CSIR-SRF
23 Investigation of mitochondrial dysfunction in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) : Evaluation of neuroprotection and reversal of mitochondrial deficits using Ayurvedic medhyarasayana therapy Dr. Jisha P Janardhanan AYUSH-SRF
24 Functional EEG microstates: A potential electrophysiological biomarker of emotion dysregulation in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Dr. Angel Anna Zacharia ICMR – RA
25 Role of parkin and its substrate zinc finger protein 746 in Parkinson’s disease Safreena N CSIR- JRF
26 Daphnia as a model organism for investigating parkinsons diseases biology Neethumol OP UGC- JRF
27 Role of astrocyte secretion in pathogenesis of Attention deficit hyperactive disorder
Dr Sreetama Sen Chandra DST-WOS-A